As we start to welcome you back into the Synagogue you are required to submit a booking form to attend upcoming Shabbat and Kabbalat Shabbat services. If you wish to attend a service this week please take note of the important information below, then fill in and submit the booking form at the foot of this page.


Government regulations (May 2021) require that people attending FPS

·       wear masks & sign in on arrival, providing an email/phone number for contact purposes
·       wash hands or use hand sanitiser on arrival
·       bring their own kippah, tallit and prayer book
·       remain in their household groups
·       do not mingle with other households and observe social distancing while on synagogue premises
·       leave at the end of the service (there will be no food or drink available at FPS)

We ask that you read through the following and, if you are unable to confirm each point, please stay away from FPS to allow others to attend safely.


·       I/we have not shown  any symptoms of COVID-19 or live with others with symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in contact with a confirmed case
·       I/we have not been asked to self-isolate by the government’s Test and Trace Programme
·       I/we are not in quarantine having recently returned from travel

If you sign up but, at any point prior to attending, realise you and your household are unable to come to FPS, please notify so that those on a waiting list can take your place.  


FPS will keep attendance records for 21 days and if necessary, share information with others, in line with the NHS Test and Trace scheme.

Revised 14 May 2021