19/20 November 2021, 15/16 Kislev 5782

Mitzvah Day took the British Jewish community by storm several years ago.

For us as a community we have discovered that a relationship of longevity with organisations and the good works gemilut chasadim that accompany them suits us best here, so our mitzvot are ongoing and strong.

This Saturday we will be visiting the new Food Bank Aid hub - taking more needed supplies. We'll be shown how we are, and can continue to, make a difference.

Another group will be representing FPS at Sunday's AJEX march at the cenotaph, and include prayers in our shabbat service.

The need to care about what has come before, about the commitment of Jewish ex-servicemen and women is something important for us to mark every year.

Join us on Saturday at 1pm or Sunday 2pm.

With warm wishes to you for a Shabbat Shalom,